I’m tired of it.

I read Yost & company’s recount of the horrors they endured at the hands of bone-headed OSU fans. No, let me rephrase that. Those people are simply a-holes with an Ohio State shirt on. Or, more likely, a Budweiser “F-Michigan” t-shirt. They are not fans. They are idiots. I’m tired of defending people who call themselves Buckeye Fans but who are so in name only. I’m really sorry what happened to Yost and countless other Michigan fans, I am. It’s unfortunate. But I’m tired of being lumped together with the knuckle-draggers. Stop lumping us true fans with those mouth-breathers. It made me sick to read what happened. But I’m tired of hearing of it. And I’m tired apologizing for it.

I’m not one of the guys that buys the F-Michigan T-shirts those dirt bags are selling on Lane Avenue. I’m not one of the guys throwing garbage at Michigan fans. I’m not the one who’s hurling epithets at them in slurred, guttural drunken-speak. I’m not the person who puffs up his chest, in front of his friends, and tells a Michigan fan to “Go Blow!” Those guys are imbeciles of the finest grade and I am not one of them.

Another thing to remember is that Columbus is a big city. We’ve got a lot of unsavory individuals. A lot. I’m sure there’s a lot more than you’d ever see in Ann Arbor. The majority of the idiots causing problems are these unsavory inidividuals, people that aren’t even peripherally involved with the university. They see it as an excuse to get wasted and bully people around. We wish they’d go away, but it’s something we all have to deal with.

I’m the guy who goes up and apologizes for what the Neanderthals in the “Ann Arbor is a Whore” shirts said to the guy in the Maize and Blue block-M hat. I was the guy apologizing to the Texas fans last year when my fellow “fans” were telling them to “F’ing Go Home!” I’m the guy who gives you an apologetic look when some moron says something he’d never say in front of his mother.

I’m tired of it. I’m tired of having to defend my school and my team to a bunch of people who are just looking for a place to stand to take the higher moral ground. “Our team lost on the football field, but your team (and school) sucks because a couple drunk half-wits hurt my feelings! They said mean things about my mom!” I’m not asking you to grow up or get over it. Just take things in perspective. In a week or two, the sting from the loss will lessen and you’re realize, in the grand scheme of things, these things really aren’t that important.

And no, Michigan doesn’t have the high ground to take on this issue. As Zeke, SYR and I were heading for a pre-game lunch (at La Bambas, a fine High Street establishment) we watched as the police-escorted buses of the Michigan Marching Band passed by. You’d think these guys, you know, actual representatives of the University, would show some class right? Of course you’d think that. And you’d be wrong. I’m no professional lip reader, but I know how to make out phrases containing four-letter words that start with F and end with YOU. The middle fingers aimed at us OSU fans were a nice touch. Saw a lot of those. But my favorite were the “F-OSU” signs. I saw a couple of those in the windows. That was the epitome of class.

So, to the fans of college football everywhere, get off our friggin backs. We don’t have control over what a few thousand people do to ruin the image of Ohio State. Contrary to what people will have you believe, it is a few rotten apples that spoil the bunch. I’m sorry, but that’s the truth. We were down on campus all morning long and I didn’t hear a single F-Michigan or any other derogatory comment. There was easily 200,000 people on campus, enjoying the festivities. I saw some good natured ribbing, some fun at each others expenses, but none of the vile that other people had happen to them. Those of us who care about who we’re perceived were trying to keep our rowdy brethren in line. We are. But most of the idiots you had the misfortune of interacting with were probably young college students with a little extra to drink. I’d be willing to bet that a large majority of them weren’t even students of the University. They were simply idiots. We don’t want them and we don’t claim them. Unfortunately we have to put up with them a lot more often then you do. When they say ridiculous, mean, hurtful things, we do reprove them. We tell them to keep it clean. We tell them that it’s uncool what they’re doing. But that’s all we can do. We try to do our part, but it’s not easy. And it is, quite honestly, pointless. They’re free to say what they want. It’s unfortunate but true. These people are idiots and are going to do whatever feels good to their alcohol soaked brains.

I don’t associate myself with them. I am an Ohio State Buckeye, I love this university and I love those who love it with me. We aren’t all about hating Michigan. We’re about loving the Buckeyes. The team. We love the tradition, the crisp autumn afternoons with a 100,000 friends cheering on the Buckeyes. It isn’t all about hating Michigan. Yost says, “it’s not “Pro-OSU,” it’s “anti-Michigan.”” Do you think the hatred for Michigan fills the stadium when we play Texas? What about when we play Cincinnati?

I know some of the backlash is coming from Michigan fans with wounded egos and fragile emotions. They hurt and they want to strike back, however they can. Saturday’s game was draining. For everyone, not just you. But we’re not sorry your team lost. We’re not even happy your team lost. We’re happy our team won. You had a bad experience and it was amplified by your disgust for the outcome of the game. But I’m sure the memories you had up to that point would certainly be clouded by your disappointment. But don’t you dare lump the people who offended you with those of us who care. I wish I could have been standing next to you in the stadium. I would have shook your hand and said “good game.” Most of us real fans treat everyone with respect. I know some people do not. But we are not them.

I’m just tired of apologizing for them.


  1. Nothing really to apologize about, from what I’ve seen and heard. He got hit with a donut? Thats lame and classless, but seriously, its a rivalry. I don’t like a lot of the trashier element of our teams fan base but it doesn’t merit this apology. They were looking for things to complain about and obviously a couple rednecks validated it. But seriously, no acts of violence, no dstruction of property, I’ve heard of nothing truely terrible happening despite the 200,000+ people who were in the are at the time. I don’t care if they felt uncomfortable. I’m glad, almost. I am bothered by poor sportsmanship but I think that at least in this case it’s a bit overblown. Most people were decent to Michigan fans, and even the assholes were throwing donuts. Dumb, but not worthy of this self hating apology. It’s true Ohio State takes this rivalry too seriously, and a lot of “trailer park alums” come down to the city to have fun at everyones expense, but for fucks sake, you’re taking it a bit far.

  2. Scarlet & Gray Matters says

    I was going to post a comment on Mblog re: their experiences, but it is just getting out of control over there.

    My ONE question to Yost & Benny is: WHY THE HELL DID YOU PARK OFF LANE AND HIGH AND WALK THRU GROUND ZERO FOR F-BOMBS? WHY? WHY? WHY? Especially after scUM told their fans to avoid Lane and High! I also don’t buy that they said there were no cops on Lane at 10:30am!

    One other comment – one or two F-bombs from one or two out of literally hundreds of people that you encounter is not that big a deal. I hate that it happens – but it does. I heard at least 10 F-OSU’s in A2 last year directed my way.

  3. el Kaiser – well said. The childish fans are ridiculous, but so is the sudden “infatuation” with painting OSU as some sort of war zone.

    Every bit of it is sickening, from the abusive behavior of some loser fans to the hyperbole of the “victims.”

    Know what it reminds me of? My little monkeyDaughters. It sickens me when they fight. We all try to stop that type of behavior, right? “Hey! That’s enough! Now say you’re sorry.” Etc., etc.

    But another behavior we try to stop is the dramatic overreaction. Why? It’s just as sickening. It’s just as bad, and it actually contributes to the problem, rather than solving it. “But she hurt me reeeaally bad. I can’t use my arm!” Oh, stop it. Acting like that just keeps things going. What do we say? “You! Stop. Sit down right there. You! go somewhere else. Leave each other alone.”

    So I understand your frustration when you have to take the same approach with people that are supposed to be adults. I just wish everyone would let it go. The bigger the deal people make of it, the more they are contributing to why it’s a big deal in the first place.

  4. Yost is a whiner. From what he’s written about his trips to C-bus in the past, you knew that he wouldn’t like this one. I was at a party up on Maynard and therefore avoided the stew of humanity on Lane. It’s not that I feel uncomfortable or afraid, but unless I have a ticket, or am looking for a ticket it’s not that important for me to be right there anymore. I am, as well, tired of apologizing for the aggressively ignorant among us. We aren’t going to change the perception of Buckeye fans overnight. I think that the conversation about this needs to continue so that the culture surrounding the game changes for the better; that way everybody willing to shell out for tickets for a game like this past one, or the Texas game or the USC game coming up can have a positive experience and come away with a positive opinion of THE Ohio State University.

    class of ’98

  5. So I go and read the post by yost and all the responses…….heres what I can say…..You arent allowed to be upset about hearing F-Michigan…..if you call OSU fans and Ohio a name every 3 words in your complaint…….I am tired of hearing people say they are different. They dont say that kind of stuff all while calling us every name in the book. I have been to Ann Arbor fr a game and was harrased and assaulted and Escorted out of Ann Arbor by thier Police for my own safety. Has no one ever heard of Sticks and Stones. There is no reason to apologize for someone saying F-Michigan. There is a lot of inconsitintcies in his post that dont add up. We all saw the police presence was enourmous. We all saw the scUM tailgaters starting fights with every one who walked by. We all know that people say things all the time. It doesnt need an apology. The doughnut is funny not harmful. His reaction is even funnier. I think an overall account of scUM fans treatment must be said……I watchd the news prior and after the game and saw many fans interviewed who all said they werent attacked and that the overall experience was very cordial. Some scUM fans need us to sound like neanderthals to make them feel better about losing 5 out of the last 6 years.

  6. Let’s face it, this is just the way OSU-Michigan gameday is in Columbus, and I can’t say that I’m proud of that aspect. I too, am bothered by the number of people that feel the need to “Fuck Michigan.” However, remember who it is that is saying it. It’s pretty clear that the majority of these people were of college age. Plus, after the game ended, it’s pretty safe to say that a lot of those people weren’t sober. I’d even be willing to go out on a limb and guess that those who tried to make Yost’s trip enjoyable were probably at least middle aged and sober. It doesn’t matter what college campus you go to, the students are going to get drunk and rowdy. Yes, it would be great if they would just grow up, but Karen Holbrook can’t just snap her fingers and make that happen. The solution? Don’t come down to the game, don’t walk down Lane (duh!), don’t wear any maize and blue. I know that I won’t ever set foot in Michigan, not just because of how I feel about the state, but because I wouldn’t want to be berated in the same way by Wolverine fans on gameday. It just seems stupid to me that if you know you are going to be taunted like that, why even bother putting up with it?

  7. Excellent Post. Sums up a lot of my feelings after reading the article on M-zone.

  8. There is a place you can visit and not be berated by home fans on game day.

  9. I’m a Michigan grad who went in 2004 and 2006. My experience was significantly better last weekend. Lots of people made the effort to say things like “welcome to Columbus” and “good luck”.

    It was my impression that the many fine OSU fans were going to go out of their way to make up for the minority of jerks, and that was appreciated.

    We avoided Hineygate and High Street, it probably was different over there. Also the friend I attended the game with and I are both well over 6′ tall, so that probably helped.

    Hopefully things have turned around, because fine fans of any school don’t deserve to have their reps undermined by a few jerks.

  10. Kaiser,

    My only problem with your post is that you said “La Bambas is a fine High Street establishment.” That, my friend is a lie.

    The grande burrito with steak and chorizo, lettuce, cheese and sour cream (NO TOMATO) and a little bit of the “extra” hot, not the one they keep above the counter either, the one they keep hidden (so as not to scare the children) is a little slice of heaven wrapped in a tortilla.

    It is not fine, it is not even super fine, it is quite possibly “the finest” dining establishment in the good ‘ol US of A.

    **This post in not meant in any way to disparage the fine cuisine distributed at No. 1 Chinese, in all of its General Tzo’s glory.

  11. I met some great buckeye fans in Austin this year but most people (including me) from Texas had a horrible time up there last year. I know it must be annoying hearing the UM fans whine all the time, but I know from experience that many people in Columbus are very ugly to fans of other schools. I’m all about getting drunk and having playful banter…it is college football after all, but the reputation is sadly well deserved. Too bad for those of you who don’t act that way, but don’t get used to not having to defend yourself.

  12. Are there jerkwads who yell at people in Ann Arbor? Yes. Hell, it’s happened to me at the UM/Michigan State game when my fiancee (in her Michigan State shirt) and me in my Michigan shirt walked past the houses on State. Mostly the comments were of the “that’s disgusting” variety.

    Are there people at those houses who throw stuff like water balloons on occasion? Yep, not a lot but it happens.

    Are the people tailgating by the stadium in both places (mostly being the ones who can actually get tickets, meaning they’re largely alumni and/or rich) much nicer? Yep, for the most part.

    Do people in Ann Arbor or even Detroit (plenty of UM fans there that never had any affiliation with the University) overturn cars and start fires when Michigan wins? No. And that’s the difference. Detroit, the poster child of rioting from the days of yore, last rioted for sports in I believe 1984 (Tigers). Nothing really happened after the Pistons and Red Wings won.

    That is why you hear Michigan fans, and others, making Columbus out to be some kind of war zone. Michigan fans gave crap to Michigan State about it as well (see the joke that probably will get applied to OSU now too: “How many State students does it take to screw in a light bulb? Zero — who needs electric light when you can just burn your couch!”). Surely you understand this, no? And have you ever feared for your safety in Ann Arbor after a game?

    I can give OSU one thing though: it might be the worst in the Big 10 at this point (though I bet Wisconsin would give it a run for its money should they ever make it to the national championship game), but you’ve still got a long, long way to go to dethrone the king of rough gameday atmospheres and couch burning — West Virginia. I shudder to think what would happen if they ever won a national championship.

    And for you burrito afficionados, when you make your trip to Ann Arbor next year for the game I strongly, strongly recommend BTB on State between Hill and Packard (unless they’ve moved since I was last there). I love Bamba’s as much as anyone else who lives in Big Ten country, but BTB (formerly Big Ten Burrito) is the best I’ve ever had.

  13. Isn’t it AWESOME when rival fans can find something in common to bond with?!?

    More burrito talk, please!!

  14. Jeezus fucking christ. You know who i’m really tired of??? I’m really tired of the elitist nerds that leave the safe grounds of AA and head to Columbus every 2 years. I’m tired of them whining about someone screaming “Fuck Michigan” at them as if thats some brand new occurence in western civilization. Get over that shit and drop the snotty attitudes. It was bad enough that you released that silly ass email that made the national media and entire frickin country portray Ohio as Baghdad west. I can not believe that grown ass men whine consistently about getting haggled by opposing teams fanbase knowing that A) Their smashed out the mind B) Loyal fans who think being macho is by being an asshole. If you can’t take a little criticism and laugh that shit off, then how the hell are you gonna make it in the real world?????? I truly understand why Michigans population is declining, No one can handle weathering a tough time. Some free advice Michigan fans, stay away from Boston, New York, Chicago, Philly, and Washington DC if you can’t handle people ribbing you about sports.

  15. Uh, Baby Jesus, where do you draw the line? You’re okay with screams of “Fuck Michigan”. How about physical assault?

    I noted that my experience was fine this time around and I hope more people come away from *any* road trip anywhere with that impression.

    But just as it’s unfair to paint all OSU fans with a broad brush, it’s also ridiculous to act as if all obnoxious behavior is somehow justified because it’s just rivalry and “you should grow a thicker skin”.

    Here’s my question, for all fans: Why act like a jerk? And if you choose not to act like a jerk, why defend it?

    I can understand the original poster’s complaint that he’s tired of having to defend idiot fans. I can’t understand “Baby Jesus’s” complaint that he’s tired of people complaining about the same idiot fans.

  16. District Selectman says

    That whine from Yost was too much. Fans from both schools want everyone to call this the biggest rivalry in American sports, and then you get some dejected fan blubbering because he met hometown hostility. Boo hoo, you big baby. For starters, what are you doing walking through Lane and High with your gear if you don’t want abuse hurled at you? How dumb can you be?

    And then to declare that Buckeye fans aren’t real fans because they care more about saying eff Michigan than Go Bucks. Please! See point #1 about this being supposedly the biggest rivalry in American sports.

    I say all this as a Badger fan who grew up in Columbus. Trust me, every year people write letters to newspaper editors and the chancellor and complain about the opprobrious treatment meted out to them by Badger fans. This despite Madison having one of the best gameday atmospheres anywhere on earth. Well, you know who never writes these kinds of letters? Fans of teams that go into Camp Randall and win.

  17. Yes, I know…Ohio state fans are the only ones with profanity on their shirts.

    See, here’s proof…..


  18. Kaiser – like it or not, the rep of C-Bus and tOSU fans was made the old fashioned way – y’all earned it.

    And it will take time for you folks to UN-earn it as well.

    Griping about mistreatment in A2 or Madison on a previous occasion is no excuse for the C-Bus ‘activities’, save to demonstrate that there are some individuals who believe that they can excuse bad behavior by pointing out another person’s unrelated bad behavior.

    My suggestion to Bucks fans: If you don’t like being painted with The Broad Brush, then you, and others, should take positive steps toward correcting the actions of the goons, and demand that public conduct in the city on game day and before be as civil as would be on any other normal day.

    Last I checked, public drunkenness was still a crime in Ohio. So is arson. So is assault. Unfortunately, it appears that amnesty is declared in Franklin County for all three of those crimes when the Bucks are in the ‘Shoe.

    Until the people at tOSU and the City of Columbus come correct with this problem, you will continue to be painted with that Broad Brush you so dislike, courtesy of those ‘bad apples.’

  19. James – you’ve proven quite nicely everything el Kaiser said. Thanks!

    In case you missed the point: nobody can take the high ground on this. People trying to perpetuate the myth of C-bus being a haven of criminal “amnesty” are just as guilty as the idiots who do the occasional stupid things, as they encourage the behavior.

    It’s hyperbole and fearmongering, for the purpose of encouraging fan loyalty. And that’s disgusting.

    That’s why the UM prez sent the infamous e-mail out early last week. Not for any good reason, mind you, but rather to fire up the masses to support the team. It encourages an “us vs. them” mentality. Just like your comment above. More exaggeration than truth. No substance.

    It’s clear you’re just trolling to take a shot at C-bus, but you should realize that many, many fans were arrested by the CPD on Saturday, INCLUDING tons of Michigan fans. No favoritism was shown when it came to disorderly conduct. The jerks wearing maize & blue were thrown in the same drunk tanks as the jerks wearing scarlet and gray.

    Anyone who participates in the abusive behavior is in the wrong. Anyone who exaggerates the situation for rhetorical purposes is in the wrong as well.

  20. And thank you, sportsMonkey, for proving everything that I said. It is precisely your sentiments which make it fairly certain that the “&#$& Michigan” mindset will continue to hold sway amongst the Bucks fans.

    Like it or not, the rep on C-Bus is out there, and it cannot be blithely erased or set aside with stories of equal-opportunity drunk arrests. And though Never Is Heard A Discouraging Word in the Columbus Dispatch, the word is out that, when tOSU wins big football games, stuff catches on fire.

    And when opposition fans come into C-Bus for a big game, they are advised not to wear the colors of their university, nor to drive cars bearing licence tags of their state of origin – for their own protection, dontcha know…

    If you folks are content with that, then fine. If not, then make some positive changes.

    In the meantime, don’t piss and bitch and moan when you get called on it.


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