Football Moment 2012 Bracket (Final Four)

We have made it to the final four most amazing moments of the 2012 football season. These are the four most memorable, most bestest moments voted on by you, the fans (and such smart, attractive fans you are). So now we have the arduous task of determining which moment was the best offensive and defensive moment of the season. This is not for the faint of heart.

Because it seems like offense gets all the glory, we’re going to start this off by pitting the final two defensive/special team moments first:

Defensive/Special Team Moment

#1 Shazier’s goal line hit [Wisconsin] vs. #2 Kenny G’s 2-point conversion [Purdue]

Shazier went up against himself and won. It’s really not surprising that his goal line stop would be one of the most memorable plays of 2012. The goal line stand against Penn State a year earlier also made it to the final round of our Moments Bracket (which Shazier factored heavily in) so it stands to reason Shazier’s hit would make it this far.

Shaziers hit goes up against one of the most improbably comebacks in the past few years for the football Buckeyes. Kenny Guiton’s drive in the final minutes against Purdue (in relief of the previously injured Braxton Miller) would have all been for naught if he also wasn’t able to seal the deal on the two point conversion. But convert he did and that moment will go down as one of the most memorable of all times.

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Offensive Moment

#1 Kenny Guiton’s last drive [Purdue] vs. #2 Devin Smith TD catch [Miami]

In a season where the Buckeyes went 12-0 and watched electrifying moments left and right from Braxton Miller, it’s ironic to see Mr. Miller absent from the Final Four moments (I mean, I guess he had a part in Devin Smith’s amazing grab) but see Kenny Guiton here twice. His heroism has not gone unnoticed. It’s cliche to say everyone’s favorite player is the back-up quarterback, but for a period of time last season that was figuratively and literally true.

Contrast Kenny’s fairly vanilla drive to Devin Smith’s amazing, spectacular, jaw-dropping, face-melting, Sports Center Top Ten-making grabs and you have the 2012 season in a nutshell.

So which one was the better moment?

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