This and that

As the sportsMonkey and I were headed to see the second half of the USA/Algeria World Cup game, he remembered that one of his first posts here at MotSaG was about the 2006 World Cup (ironically after another bouncing at the hands of Ghana). That reminded me that we recently turned four years old around these parts. So Happy Belated Birthday to us, I guess. But moreso, thanks to all of you guys and gals who have been with us from the beginning, or anytime hence.

I realized why I can’t get into soccer. I tried, I really did. For the two years I lived in Spain, I really wanted to like soccer. I married into a “soccer family.” I can’t put my finger on exactly why, though. Maybe it’s the time commitment. Watch 90+ minutes of a sport that can end up being all for nothing. After Ghana scored its first goal against the US moments into the game, the game could have ended there. Finito. Five minutes into the game it potentially could have been over. But you invest your time, hoping, and there is always the possibility that your team never gets another chance on goal. For the next eighty-five minutes you are a prisoner with nothing more than the faintest glimmer of hope for escape.

It was at that point I had an moment of clarity while the inevitable was happening during the USA/Ghana WC game: This must be what if feels like to play against Jim Tressel. There’s no hope for you. You will not be getting another chance. The endzone? You’re not allowed in there! All the while, fans (and coaches (and players)) are thinking, “Seriously? He’s punting again? What the?! Great, we now have the ball on the three yard line!” “Where does he get these man-beasts for his defensive line?” “Come on man, another running play up the middle?” (That last one was from his own fans)

And so it goes.

A few odds and ends since our last post.

First and foremost, we didn’t get a chance to congratulate the #2 overall pick in the 2010 NBA draft, Evan Turner (who will be sporting the #12 in this upcoming season). After the unfortunate events of the LBJ Exodus, I’m guessing a lot of Central Ohio former Cavs fans will be rooting for the 76ers this season. (NB: the outcome will be the same, rooting for the 2010-11 Cavs or 76ers).

Speaking of Philadelphia, there were murmurings early this week that, in wake of the Michael Vick situation (the shooting one), that the Eagles were looking at Troy Smith as a backup. After the arrival of Marc Bulger to the Ravens, I think it’s about time someone starts the rally cry: “Free Troy Smith!”

I know most of us knew this would happen after USC released him from his LOI, but Seantrel Henderson has chosen to attend the U. (At least Daddy has decided that Seantrel will be going to Miami. It appears that Seantrel is incapable of talking for himself)

No. I’m sure of it, I hate him.

Finally, I updated the Twittering Buckeyes page with ten new Buckeyes. Obviously Seantrel will not be one of them.

Coming up next: We start our preseason position previews.


  1. My goodness, el Kaiser, a lot of ground was covered. I went to a couple soccer games in college only because a couple of my frat bros were playing, not much invested on my part.

    Maybe the Cavs can put together a trade to get ET, who knows?

    Seantrel going to da U? I can’t think of two entities more deserving of one another. At least Henderson is only going to get his ass kicked once this year by Cam; it could have been at daily practices.

  2. @Ken – I am hoping and praying that Cameron Heyward lines up across from Seantrel during the Miami game. He will annihilate him. It will be glorious to watch.

    Or maybe Seantrel’s dad will be blocking for him. Not sure how that’s going to work out.

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