Get your football fix Open Thread

We’re planning on taking the kids to their first Spring Game today, so I doubt I’ll be able to watch much of it before they get bored, but the DVR will be working overtime so I can catch it on my own. Are you planning on going?

We’ll also be watching the NFL draft with interest when we get back!

Update: Spring game (the half I’ve seen already was great) but I just came in from some yardwork and saw that Beanie fell all the way down to the 31st pick? That was unexpected, to say the least.


  1. So I hear TP looked good today? Glad to see Jenkins in top 15 but Beanie 31st???? He doesn’t fit in Arizona! The Brownies screwed up by not taking him but made up by getting Robo to teach the guy from up north how to play WR!

  2. @Mike – Yeah, Terrelle had a couple really nice looking throws. I haven’t had a chance to watch the whole tape yet, but he threw two TDs in the first half, a nice long bomb for his first one (I can’t recall who he threw the first one to) and his second was a sharp looking pass to Small, who had some nice yards after the catch.

    I was stunned the Brownies passed on Beanie. With an aging Lewis, he seemed poised to be the RB in waiting, but it wasn’t meant to be. I still think the Browns made some smart moves today, including picking up Robiskie.

  3. Jeremiah Sharpe says

    I just watched the replay of the spring game on the Big Ten Network here in Pittsburgh….. Thank God for finnally being in Big Ten country again so I can actually get that channel.

    A few things I noticed…..

    Our WRs are going to be much better this year and Ray Small looked Holmes/Gonzales like for the first time which is great.

    On Defense one guy really stood out to me as a STAR in the making….. Tyler Moeller was a beast all day all over the field in many different capacities…. when he caught that RB from behind who had a good 15 yard head start it solidified my thoughts that he MUST be a starter this year.

    The Rambo

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