@MotSaG Is Looking For New Writers: Apply Within

Are you an Ohio State fan that loves your team so much you breathe, eat, and sleep OSU? Have you ever wanted an oppurtunity to write for an OSU website? Here is your chance of a lifetime…

Men of the Scarlet and Gray is looking to hire new writers. As a website we have been around for over 9 years and have had countless numbers of writers in our time and many of them have gone on to even more famous sites such as…

Eleven Warriors
Land Grant Holy Land
Phil Steele
Saturday Blitz
and many more.

We are a site that helps and hopes all of its writers will succeed and reach their dreams. So if you think you have what it takes to be one of us here is your chance.


1.) Love OSU

2.) Be able to write one post a week

3.) Love OSU


1.) Unlimited #FFs on Twitter

2.) Unlimited slaps on the back

3.) Occasional half of a groupon to be shared by Tony to a place of his choosig to eat with you.

If this is something you want to do leave your name and email in the comments section and someone will contact you asap. Or leave your Twitter handle and I will reach out to you on there.


  1. David “Brody” Gibson

  2. @troyinnis. Innis11@hotmail.com

  3. Joston Da Grava says

    Joston Da Grava – jtdagrava@gmail.com

  4. Also looking for basketball writers also. Can use someone with basketball knowledge and can do weekly podcasts with me.

  5. Andrew Urbanski

  6. Mark Prine says


  7. Brenden Wright

  8. Nicholas Cote says


  9. Parker Eads says

    Parker Eads.

  10. Ray Casola says

    Ray Casola

  11. Michael Philibin (@Michael_SAMcom)
    Creator of ScarletandMaize.com

  12. Ramone conley says

    @ramoneconley Ramone Conley ramoneconley@gmail.com

  13. Justin Golba says

    Justin Golba. jgolba@kent.edu

  14. Steve Wyllie says
  15. Richard M. Tongohan Jr says

    Richard M. Tongohan Jr…

  16. Just an update, We are still taking applications and honestly there is no set amount we are looking to hire could be 1 or could be 30 it will depend on your interview and test post.

    I will be contacting each of you later today/tomorrow with an assignment so watch for my emails.


  17. Would love to contribute!! @bubhall7 email bubhall718@gmail.com

  18. Phil Schoch says

    Phil Schoch

  19. Brad Pettiford says

    Brad Pettiford – brad.pettiford@gmail.com

  20. I have started emailing everyone who has responded to our interview email with a writing assignment. If you have NOT gotten an assignment yet that means I havent gotten an email reply back answering my questions.

    So make sure you respond or resend it if you dont think I got it.


  21. Devin Mills says

    Devin Mills. Mills.507@osu.edu

  22. Hello everyone, If you look at this list I am emailing this too you can see we have had a ton of people interested in writing for us at motsag. To make sure we didnt lose anyone in the shuffle I am trying to make sure I have gone through the same steps with each of you. So if you did apply to write for us you should have done the following by now…

    – Sent me an email address

    – Answered our interview questions

    – Assigned an article to write with a deadline

    – Completed the article

    – Given a time and day when your article will go live

    If for some reason you have not done one or any of these things mentioned please email me and let me know where you are at nd what we need to do still. If you did all of these things please let me know you are done and title the email DONE!!!.

    Thank you

    P.S. We are hoping to have a final decision for each of you over the next few days and everyone should know their fate by Monday at the latest.

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