Did Braxton Miller Commit An NCAA Violation? *Updated*

Braxton Miller has been pimping a company called Advocare on his Instagram account lately and today he dropped this picture which clearly reads like an advertisement….

NCAA violation- Such compensation may not include any remuneration for value or utility that the student-athlete may have for the employer because of the publicity, reputation, fame or personal following that he or she has obtained because of athletics ability.


Student-athletes are not permitted to be involved in the advertisement, endorsement or promotion of a commercial product or service of any kind.

If you click on the link on Braxtons Instagram it lists Braxton as a Distributor.

What will come from this? Who knows maybe nothing. Maybe Braxton already plans on not playing in the 2015 season and is just working on his financial future. Stay tuned there will be more for sure.


Braxton Miller didnt declare for the NFL draft. He has now been told he wont be a QB in 2015 for OSU. In order for him to get into the supplemental draft he has to be declared ineligible by the NCAA so he did this on purpose to get into the Supp Draft.

To far fetched?


From an advocare distributor…

*Update #2*
(This is Tony, not Jeremiah)

Advocare has some “guidelines” on their site, giving student athletes and coaches some guidance on their involvement with Advocare products (basically it’s ok to use them, not ok to appear to be promoting them). You can read the entire document here, but this little blurp is germane to the discussion of Braxton’s post:



  1. […] As many of you are aware here is the story of what happened…. […]

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