JT Barrett involved in a Police Investigation (Per Report)


Officers responded early Tuesday morning to a disturbance at Ohio State Quarterback J.T. Barrett’s apartment, according to a report from the Columbus Division of Police.

In the report, Barrett says a woman identified as his girlfriend — Alexandria Barrett-Clark — refused to leave his apartment after he asked her to do so. Barrett says she “ran at him and pushed him.”

Barrett says Barrett-Clark hit him. In the report, he say he pushed her awy in self-defense, which caused her to fall to a bed. Barrett says he again asked her to leave. Agan, he says, she refused.

Barrett-Clark says she told Barrett that she would leave in the morning.

She told police that Barrett confronted her in his bedroom and “choked her on the bed.” She said Barrett used his forearm to apply pressue to her neck before taking her phone away from her.

Barrett-Clark told police she managed to get away from Barrett and call police.

Police say a witness told them that he was upstairs when he heard arguing. But, he says, he did not see any kind of fight between Barrett and Barrett-Clark.

Police said neither Barrett, nor Barrett-Clark, had any visible injuries and refused medical treatment.

Police did not make any arrests and no charges were filed.

The incident has been referred to the Prosecutor’s Office.


You can see the full report here.


  1. jimmy wiggians says

    Sad to hear but maybe Braxton stays a Buckeye now since there probably won’t be a question of who starts next fall. Myers rules are pretty clear on this, another “best player on the team” Hyde sat for three games for less of an altercation than what this is presently being reported. Another example that enforces the idea you can’t have too many players at those important positions.

    • Thanks for stopping by Jimmy….

      I dont think this turns into much at all seems pretty non-serious. I would think this is the kind of case where Urban punishes behind the scenes if anything at all. Only time will tell though.

      • jimmy wiggians says

        Sounds like Barrett is finished as a Buckeye it’s just incredible how fortune can fall in two weeks time but football is full of those stories. He’ll learn from this mess and we’ll probably see him again eventually at some SEC school. JT we hardly knew ya.

        • I dont know who you are listening to but they are giving you bad information.

          • jimmy wiggians says

            Your right, have to question information like him catching her googling Cardale but this other stuff well Hyde’s infraction pales in comparison.

          • Jimmy that “caught her googling Cardale” was a joke by someone on the internet. What other stuff? Step off the ledge there is nothing to this case. Neither is pressing charges and neither was hurt in any way. This is a nothing case.

  2. A witness that didn’t see anything and no arrest or charges filed. What’s the prosecutor gonna do with that?

    • Hey Jeff, The prosecutor isnt going to do anything. The only way charges can be brought is if either of the 2 involved seek charges and they both said they didnt want to seek charges. If one or the other changes their mind and does seek charges the other will as well I am sure. This case is done. Urban may punish him for being in the situation but it wont be anything the public will see IMHO.


  1. […] first saw the news over at MotSaG that Ohio State’s JT Barrett had police respond to his apartment following reports of a […]

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