Breaking News: Worst Fears Confirmed For Kosta Karageorge Family

Last week Walk-On Kosta Karageorge went missing after calling his mother in the middle of the night with cryptic messages about his concussions. It was what he said and how he said it that sent a Mother and family into panic mode. They tried to contact Kosta with no luck and called Columbus Police to report him missing.

Instantly news spread and efforts were made to find him. Hundreds of volunteers put up posters and even former Buckeye alumni raised money for a reward to help find Kosta.

Today a body was found near his apartment just off campus and Columbus Police just confirmed it sadly is the body of Kosta Karageorge.

It is with a very sad heart that this has become the worst case scenario. Sports aside this is a young man who suffered and was struggling. This is devastating news to the family and his team and all of Buckeye Nation.

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