MotSaG Top 10: Week One

So we here at MotSaG have traditionally done our usual Top 25 poll every week and while those are fun to discuss and do, we have come to the conclusion that really no one cares about teams 11-25. If they are good enough they will move in the Top 10 eventually and if they aren’t they didn’t deserve the time we put into them anyhow.

How did I come up with my Top 10 you might be asking? Losing will drop you out of the Top 10. Beating a Top 10 team will skyrocket you up the rankings. Looking bad against a lowly opponent will drop you. These rankings will be fluid and so don’t expect teams to stay where they are simply if they win. So lets get to it shall we.



1.) Texas A&M- The Aggies went on the road and completely demolished the formerly 6th ranked South Carolina Gamecocks. It is early in the year so who knows if the Aggies are for real or if the Gamecoks were woefully overrated. We will find out as the season progresses.

2.) Michigan St- Beat an over matched Jacksonville State team. The Spartans offense was dynamic and borderline amazing. The defense though gave up 244 yards and 7 points to a team they should have shut out completely.

3.) Georgia- Beat down the Clemson Tigers at home. The Tigers were ranked and had beaten Georgia last year. The Bulldogs have a great running game and defense. Will the QB play take them to the next level is their biggest question.

4.) Oregon- Destroyed South Dakota 62-13. Oregon does what it always does plays a bad OOC opponent and wipes the floor with them.

5.) Baylor- Beat SMU. The offense was brilliant but the defense was out of this world good giving up only 67 total yards and -24 yards rushing on 25 rushes.

6.) Oklahoma- Beat La Tech 48-17. Nothing spectacular but enough to impress me to keep them ranked though they tumbled some.

7.) Southern Cal- Beat down traditionally good Fresno State in convincingly good manner 52-13.

8.) Stanford- Beat UC Davis 45-0 in the usual Stanford way great defense and capable offense.

9.) LSU- Came back from being down 24-7 in the 3rd qtr to beat highly ranked Wisconsin at a “neutral” site. In a tale of two halves the Tigers won the half that matters.

10.) Florida St.- FSU is lucky to still be in my Top 10 after escaping a scare from Okie State. An unranked team pushed the former champs to the brink of losing before Jameis Winston saved the day again.

Teams Out- UCLA, Auburn, and South Carolina.

UCLA barely beat a not very good Virginia and needed 3 defensive TDs to get the win.

Auburn was tied 21-21 at home against a dreadful Arkansas.

South Carolina lost to the new #1 TAMU.

Teams just outside the Top 10- Bama, OSU, UCLA, Auburn.

All four of these teams won their games on Saturday. I didnt have Bama or OSU in my pre-season Top 10 and I dont believe either of them proved me wrong yet. UCLA and Auburn have to prove they belong in the Top 10 after poor performances against bad teams.


  1. No arguments here. TAMU looked great, as did MSU. Some of these other teams did their business against much lesser opponents but you’ve got to on what happened on the field.

    That LSU comeback is painful for B1G fans, but for Wisky fans in general. But who cares? Wisky fans are insufferable to begin with, they deserve the pain!

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