Just like the Buckeyes will have some fresh faces in uniform and on the sidelines this season, we here at MotSaG have also cleaned house a little and changed things up a bit here and there.
We have changed up the front page layout to give you quicker access to our content. Instead of the old blog-layout of a number of recent posts, in their entirety, we have cleaned up the front page, highlighting our most recent post and giving access to the rest of our content by way of short summaries with links to each post (and a section of our most popular content for a given day). We have also improved our menu system, which is that little black bar underneath the header. There, you can directly access different categories, different pages and more (including Forums, which we’ll get to in a bit).
We have also added a bunch of new contributors to the site. After having Mike Rockstedt called up to the majors (11W, where he’s putting in work), we wanted to restock our writing staff. You’ve hopefully seen the announcements on Twitter, but in case you didn’t, we have added JT Perry, Mark Cerimele, Christopher Owens, Stephan Sharp, LaMarques Greenwood, Nate, Ryan, and hopefully when the dust settles, Alexis. We are excited, as always, to have new blood and we think they’ll all contribute to the great community we’ve built up here.
Finally, and this is the part that has Jeremiah and I most excited — we added a Forums section to the site. (Sure, this is probably something we should have had years ago, but go with it). This will give us a chance to post content that may be more suited for a discussion in a forum setting, along with a chance to just shoot the breeze. You’ll have to register for an account (which you can do right here). The forum software is fairly basic, but fairly straight forward. We want to keep the discussion going, so feel free to add topics, reply to topics already there and continue to talk Buckeyes all you want. We just ask that you keep it clean, be cool to each other and don’t do (or link to) anything vulgar/racist/pornographic/illegal. You know the drill.
Welcome to the new and improved MotSaG!
[…] as well as other sacred places, and following in the footsteps of our brothers from another mother over at MotSaG, we’ve made some changes to the way you experience us here […]