Al Borges, Out at Michigan

b1g_iconKeeping one eye on the enemy is our job and even though Michigan State is becoming more of a menace than that other team up north, this is pretty big news:

While Michigan fans will tell you otherwise, Hoke is starting to feel his seat heat up. He’s had two “successful” seasons so far in his tenure, but last year’s 7-6 season was forgettable to most and unacceptable to Wolverine fans. One of the reasons they struggled this year was the inconsistency of the offense and the feeling the offensive parts either didn’t fit, weren’t being developed or simply not well coached. Michigan is capable of attracting top talent and this year’s offense was not at the level Michigan needs to be to remain relevant, both nationally and in the B1G.

So it probably shouldn’t come as a surprise seeing Al Borges let go, it’s not going to do Hoke any favors in the stabilization of his program going forward. First recruits have been decomitting and now he needs to find a replacement to helm his offense.

And this hire has to be a homerun.

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