MotSaG Chat with Matthew Draper

Glenville High school has long been know to Ohio State fans as a pipeline school for OSU. And in 2015 there is another great player who I recently interviewed named Matthew Draper. Draper is a very physical hard hitting linebacker in the similar mold of Chris Worley. We are not in on Draper currently, however I expect this to change soon. Urban is eyeing Glenville closely and he is a name Coach Ginn will not shy away from talking about. If he gets an offer I would not be shocked to see him carry on the Glenville tradition.
Q: Can you give us your current stats such as height, weight, 40 yard time, bench press, etc?

A: height:6’2 weight:200 40:4.62 bench:225×10

Q: Has the Ohio State contacted you yet?


Q: Which schools are recruiting you the hardest?

A: Ball State Toledo Louisville Cincinnati Kentucky Michigan and Iowa

Q: What college football team did you grow up being a fan of and why?

A: The Ohio State University because I lived in Columbus when I first started playing football.

Q: What do you personally feel is your biggest strength on the field?

A: my strength on the field is my ability to read and react

Q: What do you feel you need to improve the most on this year?

A: I need to improve on using my hands more

Q: What are your personal and team goals for this season?

A: personal goals lead team in tackles and tackles for loss team goals are get back to playoffs and possibly when a state championship

Q: Name some of your other interests besides football?

A: math working out playing the drums and spending time with my family

Q: Do you have any visits set up for this season?

A: unofficial set up for Saturday September 7th to Michigan but plan on making a few more unofficial visits

You can check out his highlights here….

And you can follow him on twitter @MDraper_17

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