MotSaG Chat with Patrice Rene

3star_recruit_iconI recently interviewed 2016 Cornerback standout Patrice Rene from Ottowa Ontario in Canada. Rene is a tall physical cornerback standing at 6″2 185lbs. Rene got the opportunity to attended Friday Night Lights and by all accounts was one of the most physically imposing defensive back there. Rene runs a 4.58 40 yard dash and says he is continuing to improve his time each time he runs it by practicing his technique. Rene is not currently ranked by any site, however the staff made Rene aware how hard they were going to continue to recruit him.


Q: How do you feel you performed at Friday Night Lights?

A: I could have done way better, for me it was more of a learning experience .

Q: Did you get a chance to work with any former Buckeyes?

A: No but Coach Coombs helped me a lot, also I worked with current commit Damon Webb.

Q: What did the coaches feel you need to work on the most?

A: My breaks and my footwork. They also said i need to work on getting off ball quicker.

Q: How do you feel about your chance of potentially earning an offer?

A: Things are looking on me earning one, Coach Coombs told me I was his top 2016 recruit.

Q: Describe the atmosphere at Friday Night Lights, is it what you expected?

A: It was amazing, beyond what I expected. I was treated amazing and the music and fans made the experience even better.

Q: What was your favorite part of the camp?

A: Being at the Shoe means a lot also being coached by Coach Coombs.

Q: What about your game do you think sets you apart from everyone else?

A: I have to say my size with being 6”2 185 and being fluent in coverage.

Q: When you think of Ohio State what come to your mind?

A: Tradition, great team, first class fans and their success on and off the field.

Q: If you could let Buckeye nation know one thing what would it be?

A: That they shoukd watch out for me and know my name because theres a good chance they will be hearing about it.

Q: Are you moving to the United States next year?

A: Yes I’m moving to Georgia to get more coaches attention hopefully along with SEC offers.

Patrice does not currently have any game film out due to the lack of exposure of playing in Canada.

You can follow him on twitter @PatriceRene6


  1. We need more Canadians… we had a few in the 90s who were pretty good.


  1. […] host of Buckeye hopefuls. Andrew spoke with 2015 OT Gabe Megginson while Dylan chatted with 2016 CB Patrice Rene and 2015 LB Nick […]

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