MotSaG Chat with Tyler Green

3star_recruit_iconI had the pleasure of chatting with 2015 safety prospect Tyler Green from Hyattsville, Maryland. Tyler has great coverage skills for a safety and his name is just starting to get out in the recruiting world. He is currently unranked by all sites however he is receiving interest from every ACC school and a few Big Ten schools. Growing up A Buckeye fan certainly does not hurt our chances to land this outstanding prospect.


Q: Can you give us your current stats such as height, weight, 40 yard time, bench press, etc?

A: I am 6″3, 185lbs and run a 4.5 40 yard dash

Q: Do you prefer offense or defense and why?

A: Defense, I love playing safety

Q: When you think of Ohio State what comes to your mind?

A: Winning, 12-0 and really good players. I also think of how they send players to the NFL. Urban is a great coach

Q: Which schools are recruiting you the hardest?

A: NC State and Maryland, I have offers from both.

Q: What college football team did you grow up being a fan of and why?

A: Florida, Ohio State and now especially Ohio State because I am an even a bigger fan of Urban Meyer.

Q: What do you personally feel is your biggest strength on the field?

A: Covering routes being able to play both man and zone coverage and reading the play.

Q: What do you feel you need to improve the most on this year?

A: Becoming quicker in bump and man to man coverage but I feel its getting better and will come in time

Q: What are your personal and team goals for this season?

A: Personal is being a part of a state title team and helping my teammates, Team goals are to focus on game by game and just focus on the task at hand and not looking ahead

Q: Do you have a timetable on when you would like to make a commitment?

A: Next Summer

Q: What are some of your other interests besides football?

A: Track, and non sports wise would be architecture.

You can watch his highlights here…

Also you can follow him on twitter @Ty_Road2Riches

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