We haven’t done an open thread in a LONG TIME. What is an open thread? A place to unload anything that’s on your mind on the eve of this, one of the last weekends before football arrives. The opening of camp is sort of like the Black Friday of the college football season. It means that wanna-be holiday (Thanksgiving or the off-season, take your pick) is over and some serious football is about to be had.
Also, like Black Friday, there will probably be some collateral damage as large people stampede towards the goal (Thirty dollar DVD players or touchdowns, take your pick).
Normally we would be awaiting the arrival pictures from stalwarts like Josh Winslow but with a new regime change comes changes. As in “Arrival” is no longer a “thing”. Some players have been practicing since the wee-hours of the morning. How many gassers have you done already? Well the Buckeyes have done all of them.
So with that, here’s a lunch time thread to discuss the anticipation of the upcoming season: what’s got you excited? What’s got you nervous? Will John Simon be arrested at the fifty yard line for assault with a deadly weapon (his arms) on Denard Robinson? Will Mark May finally spontaneously combust on air? Or will this be the year Reece Davis chokes him out?
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