Man, you’d think I could keep up with this blogging thing but these news stories never stop! Don’t these people know it’s the off season?
Anyway, here are the old stories from the past couple of weeks. I’d like to do these posts more than once a week. I’ll do better in the future.
Poor Art Schlichter and even more so for the old lady he swindled. I don’t have a ton to add to this story but it kind of bums me out to see someone continually fall from grace after having so many chances to right the ship. I can only fathom the grips that this gambling addiction has on this guy.
It’s probably not politically correct to admit this, but the first thing I thought after I heard the news of Buckeye recruit Chris Carter‘s trouble was, “you have to give the kid credit. He is creative!” Then I lamented the fact that we may not see the mammoth of a man play football for Ohio State. Luckily for him (and sort of for us) it looks like he won’t be charged.
Look, we love A.J. Hawk and his Cro-Magnon chin more than most people. We also FIRMLY believe that all babies are cute, even newborns.
But we are willing to make an exception. That baby has to be the ugliest baby of all time, right? Like a baby cavebaby? Just consider the source.
At least he’s got a Super Bowl ring.
Can you actually take your talents to South Beach if your talents include pouting?
It’s never too early to start thinking about all the new faces joining the Buckeyes this fall, especially Roderick Smith, who Bruce Feldman ranks the #1 redshirt freshman ($$$) of 2011. (ESPN Insider required)
This is not Buckeye-related, but it is human being related and we must share: Eric LeGrand Makes First Public Appearance At Believe Fund Event
Finally, I’ve made a huge update to the Twittering Buckeyes page to include a bunch incoming Buckeyes from the 2011 class. Stalk them even after signing day!
I always thought Brady Quinn’s sister (jeez, I don’t even know her name which is amazing considering how many times they showed her on TV during the 2005 Fiesta Bowl) looked like a cross between Secretariat and Steven Tyler while AJ Hawk could have been the lead singer from Winger or something. So their kids … ugh. They’d probably be able to headline a half decent rock band at least.
Ya know I wanna see pictures of your kid.But what I really want to see is you tell AJ face to Face you think his little baby is ugly.And since Doug Datish and Clay Matthews Jr baby sit tell them to.Make fun of a lot of things but have enough brains and respect to back off a baby you jack ass.
So I can’t be a fan of a player and still think the man looks like a 80’s butt-rock band lead singer? I just want to make sure I understand the rules here.
Dear God, man, lighten the hell up.
(Apologies to MotSaG leadership if this crossed a line)
@Cdrock – You can’t handle the cuteness of my kids. Of course I would never violate Dad-law (which is to never tell your friends that their kid isn’t cute when you have kids of your own). BUT Dad-law doesn’t rule out speculation. I never actually said the kid was ugly.
@BN – no lines crossed. And her name is Laura. I know this because at my old site 90% of my traffic after the 05 Fiesta Bowl was Google traffic for “AJ Hawk girlfriend”.