I for one can not wrap my head around this kid at all Duron Carter has all the physical attributes to be a excellent college football player. He apparently just doesn’t have the mental fortitude to learn from mistakes and pass classes.
As was reported today in the Columbus Dispatch: “The former Ohio State receiver will not be returning to OSU, said Darian Dulin, Carter’s coach at Coffeyville (Kan.) Community College. Carter, the son of former OSU star Cris Carter, played for the Buckeyes as a true freshman in 2009. He was ruled academically ineligible for the Rose Bowl and also was held out of 2010 spring practice.”
“Dulin said the reasons Carter is not returning to OSU “are the same as before,” but he didn’t elaborate. Recently, Carter indicated on his Twitter account that Ohio State was not allowing him to return.”
If the problems are the same as before it sounds like he didn’t meet grades at a community college. Dulin also said this “Dulin said Carter currently is at home in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., taking Coffeyville classes online and hoping to earn an associate’s degree. Dulin said he isn’t sure where Carter might go, but Miami is an option.”
It seems his parents are babying him and allowing his poor decisions to continue. Anyone taking classes online from a community college like 1500 miles away from campus is not concerned with doing better but wrather having some hot groupie chick to do the work for you so you can get back to some D1 school to showcase your talents.
Kudos to Ohio State for not allowing this kid to come back no matter who his dad is. We have enough problems to have to deal with a kid who couldn’t help himself.
We won’t miss a beat without him..Devin Smith is the next future stud at WR mark my words!
Sounds like a team from the southeast will be perfect.
He could be home because his parents don’t think he can deal with the distractions of college all by himself… slightly disappointed he couldn’t get the grades done, but I am not certain “his parents are babying him”.
Duron Carters case is a familiar one that takes place all over America…… Young person goes to large University where he parties to much and studies to little. Young person flunks out and Parents insist young person enroll in college or get a job. Young person goes to small community college where classes are even easier but cant stop themselves from making the same mistakes over and over. Eventually young person flunks out of community college as well and moves back home with the parental figures. Parents get frustrated with young person but instead of putting them out on their butts to learn a valuable lesson on life they give said young person money to go out on the weekends and a car and a cell phone and no responsibilities in life. This is a sad story that plays out every day across America sadly Duron doesnt have the best scholastic role model in his father and has been hell bent on repeating his fathers past mistakes. Whether or not they are “babying” him as I call it they are not doing him any favors either and one day he will regret these mistakes he is making as will his parents.