Pryor, Posey, Herron and others disciplined


Via Ken Gordon:

NCAA release: Adams, Pryor, Posey, Herron & Thomas will sit out 1st 5 games of 2011 season for selling awards, etc.

Jordan Whiting is also out.

They will apparently still play in the Sugar Bowl.

More to come later.


  1. For tattoos. This is egregious. I’m glad that Ohio State did the right thing and self-reported and was proactive, but this is terrible.

    Can this sort of suspension be appealed? This seems rather hasty, what with other student athletes being under the same microscope but seemingly getting away with extortion? I dunno.

    Like I saw on Twitter last night — let me know when tattoos cost $180,000.

  2. Well I should follow up my previous comment with a clarification that it involved more than just tattoos. It’s definitely unfortunate any way you slice it.

  3. Such little boys. Kick them out of school. I hope they leave and go pro

  4. Very dissapointing to say the least..Pryor: way to keep impressing your school, fans..sad ending to his weird career. Adams:another f’up by this guy, smoking weed wasn’t enough. Posey and Herron: very suprised by these guys..oh well


  1. […] stepping down and the whole world melts down. Just days after the allegations of improper benefits turn out to be true. Now we’ve seen the brief apology by the five players involved and that’s where we […]

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