Will Terrelle Pryor be a 4 year starter?

Yesterday at a news conference in the ‘shoe Terrelle Pryor discussed several topics including how he was a horrible teammate the last 2 years and how he has matured as a person and a player.

I for one welcomed all that talk from TP and enjoyed hearing him speak openly about his issues and progressions as both a player and a person. I must admit I hate his new errrrr 1985 Kid N Play hairdo or as I like to call it hairDONT.

The most important thing he talked about though which can be seen HERE was….. Terrelle Pryor wants to make a legacy at Ohio State and put his footprint in a positive light. In doing so he said he would be coming back to tOSU next year to play football with his fellow Seniors to be.

I think a lot of people (maybe myself included) are wondering if he meant it or if he might change his mind if he has a breakout year. Personally though I want to believe him and hope he is telling the truth. I think his NFL career could benefit a ton from another year in college and well tOSU could benefit from having him as well. If for no other reason then to be here to help Braxton Miller and to give him the redshirt year off to learn the system that TP never was afforded and hence putting Braxton in a better posistion to succeed.

So Mr. Pryor I say kudos to you for opening up and for at least for now doing away with the talk about if you will turn pro this year or not and getting that distraction out of the way for you and the team.


  1. Kid N Play haircut… great stuff

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