Spring Game

This year I’m trying not to get caught up in the spring time hype and excitement. I know it’s fun to follow the team’s practice and preparation, but there’s only so much that can really be gained from dissecting a handful of practices and half-speed scrimmages. That’s not to say I didn’t watch the spring like a giddy little schoolgirl. I did. But I’m not putting much stock in the entire experience. The only real gauge you can get is what you see based on individual performances.

Some observations:

My Quarterbacks? Let me show you them.

My assertion that we shouldn’t take stock in a lot of what we saw during the spring game holds especially true with the quarterbacks, most specifically the back ups. But, man..

Red shirt freshman Kenny Guiton certainly impressed all game long. Not exactly accurate but he certainly isn’t lacking in the arm strength department. This being a scrimmage with no repercussions, Guiton was certainly more than happy to air it out. He looks a little small to me, but he was looking to turn some heads out there. I’d say he succeeded.

Pryor, not to be outdone by some young buck looked quite good himself during his first quarter scoring drive. Sure, he was wearing the tackling flags, but he looked rather comfortable in the pocket. Clearly Stoneburner and Sanzenbacher will play a large part in the offense this season.

I believe I can fly

Who does Zach Boren think he is, Matt Keller? Certainly he knows that the coaches were just messing with his mind. Throwing to the fullback! Like that’s really ever going to happen. Pshaw. Boren’s little catch and tightrope walk down the sideline had all the grace and beauty of an elephant doing a somersault.

Still, he gave hope to all of us out of shape, big, goofy guys. Thanks, Zach.

Command, we have a Taurian Washington sighting.

Repeat: We have a Taurian Washington sighting.

Not seen since the Navy game last season, military satellites have picked up a thermal signature matching the file on record for one, “Taurian Washington.” Said signature was seen getting wide open with startlingly regularity and using its hands in a manner that has never been seen previously. Intelligence is withholding its final judgment until this happens in in September.

Bigger, Stronger, Faster

It was hard to really to get a read on the running backs during this game. I had hoped to get a better feel for some of the younger guys but that didn’t really happen. We already knew what Boom and Saine were capable of and Jordan Hall wasn’t much of a surprise. It was nice to see Carlos Hyde, but he didn’t show much yet.

It did appear that Jordan Hall looks slimmer and faster. I think he has a break-out season this year.

He’ll find you. He always does.

He has been a favorite of the Buckeye blogosphere for a while now, but soon everyone will know his name. As he proved with his tackle of James Jackson, Donnie Evege will chase you down from behind.

And you will like it.

And finally

Man, the Big Ten Network is rough around the edges with it’s D- and E-team commentators. That was painful.

Hopefully Mike Tomczak will NEVER do a Big Ten Network football game that I want to watch.

What did you think? Did you see what you wanted to? What were your impressions?


  1. nice read, however it will be much better if you could provide an in depth analysis on the performances of every players (def or off) that took part in the Spring Game and grade them accordingly (eg from 1 to 5). Include their strengths or weaknesses and which areas that they should improve on. Thanks and Go Bucks.

  2. buckannapolis says

    el K
    Liked your comments, but…
    why so brutal on Tomczak?
    C’mon, go easy tiger.
    During his interview with Vrabel he even admitted that he was “new at this” when he got Vrabel’s years in the NFL wrong. Besides, he’s a color commentator. I kinda liked his Buckeye insight along with the NFL experience he brought to the table, unpolished as it was. I remember cringing a few times, but I laughed quite a few times too. How about MT’s revelation that Devier Posey claims he has poor eyesight AND his hands aren’t that great. What?! Hmmm. One word for DP: Lasik. You might have noticed that he had several drops…don’t know if the two are connected, just sayin.
    Also, I don’t know about you, but hearing the story of Tomzcak breaking his leg during the Buckeye spring game, and then watching Kenny Guiton take that hit to the knee at the end of the game…well, it was a very scary moment until he got up under his own power. I maybe a homer, but Tomczak’s “authenticity” resonated with me. Not every former Buckeye qb can be a Herbie…

    Bauserman’s performance worried me with the two interceptions – especially given his level of maturity.

    Final comment…Coach Tressel (must) find a way to integrate Zach Boren and Stoneburner into our offense this Fall…what an incredible addition to the already potent arsenal for Pryor!

  3. I will be very upset if we don’t use Boren at least once a game for a pass in the flats. The way he steamrolled brought visions of Jerome Bettis into my head. And if there wasn’t any proof before to use Stoneburner, there is now.

  4. @adzmis – I’d love to rate every player, but I unfortunately don’t have that kind of time. But we do have a three month lull in major football news, so we’ll be looking at this year’s team position-by-position over the next three months.

    @buckannapolis – Tomczak was just so dry! And he kept calling Jake Stoneburner “Stonebrunner”. It was driving me crazy. But I’ll give him another chance.

    The comment about Posey’s eyesight was an eye opener (ugh). Hopefully he’ll get that taken care of.

    @coqui – you are preaching to the choir, man. My favorite Buckeye play from the Cooper era was the pass to the FB out in the flats. They could run that play all day for all I care.

  5. I think this years offense will be a little bit closure to the offense we all saw in 2006 under a Senior Troy Smith.

    At least from a results standpoint.

    2009: 29 PPG
    2008: 28 PPG
    2007: 32 PPG
    2006: 36 PPG
    2005: 32 PPG
    2004: 23 PPG
    2003: 23 PPG

    With a veteran offense, this team should put up well over 30 points per game.

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