I had the distinct pleasure to see off this group of seniors in their final game as Buckeyes in the Horsehoe. It was a beautiful performance and everyone here at MotSaG congratulates the seniors and thanks them for four (or five) great years of Ohio State football.
Oh, and congratulations for heading to the Rose Bowl for the first time since I became a Buckeye in 1997.
Here are a few thoughts I had while sitting up in Timbuktu in C-Deck:
I am no longer a student. Haven’t been for a few years now. But sitting in the student section, I was underwhelmed at the energy of the stadium for the first three and a half quarters. Whole sections were sitting on their hands, barely into the game. I’ll have to say I was not impressed. But, to its credit, the crowd did make its presence felt in the overtime.
Going into overtime, I thought to myself, if we win the coin toss and go on defense in the closed end of the ‘Shoe, it was over. Done and done.
I couldn’t tell why, but it seemed like Iowa really nullified our D-line. It didn’t seem like they could get any pressure on Vandenberg. Kudos to Iowa for moving the pocket and coming in with a solid game plan. Iowa and Adam Robinson were able to do something no one else had really been able to do — run the ball on the OSU defense. Sure, they ended the game with something like 63 yards, but Robinson busted some nice runs.
I addition to the lack of pressure, there also seemed to be a lack of blitzes. Maybe I missed something, but it didn’t seem like OSU tried to bring too much heat against the freshman QB.
Finally, Tressel ball in full effect. I wasn’t a fan of a lot of calls in the second half, but man, it’s hard to argue with the results (at this junction). Try that nonsense against Oregon, however, and things could get ugly. But a victory and a berth in the BCS, heading to the Rose Bowl is something we can get behind.
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