I would like to propose a new definition for the word insanity. The old way of thinking was “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” My new proposal is, “obtaining successful results by doing a thing and then not doing it over and over again.”
In every big game over the past couple years, the Buckeyes seem to come out of the gate with great success on their first drive with creative play calling and inspired line play. The Buckeyes take the lead and then almost immediately go in to Tresselball mode and it takes a deficit in the fourth quarter to snap them out of it. We need the killer instinct.
That being said, a win is a win. A win in an amped up Camp Randall is more than a win, so let’s not get down on the Buckeyes. I had to watch it on tape delay and I accidentally erased it after I watched it, so you won’t get detailed analysis from me, but a few observations before I retire for the night:
- The Stiff Arm of Justice™ made a triumphant (and brutal) return. Beanie was running angree.
- The monkey and I were worried about a game coming down to being in Terrell Pryor’s hands. We weren’t sure how it would go down, but in Camp Randall, with four minutes left, Pryor certainly calmed those fears.
- The defense was getting pushed around at times, but overall, came up big when it counted. Gameballs to Jenkins and Homan.
- EVIL Robo showed up, but sorta-GOOD Hartline showed up, redeeming the Brynamic duo for now
- Did I mention how devastating Beanie was tonight? Yeah, wrecking ball at the end of his arm and tank treads for feet.
Also: Huge congrats to commenter Mike, who was very prescient in his prediction:
“OSU 20
Wisky 17Late turnover on what would be game winning drive for Wisconsin and the Bucks seal it with field goal. Pryor struggles but plays well in the end…when it matters most. Not good on the nerves but should be a great game to watch!”
He pretty much got it all right: Late turnover, check. Pryor struggles but plays well in the end, check. Not good on the nerves, quadruple check. Great game to watch, big fat CHECK CHECK CHECK.
Nice work, Mike. I’ll be asking you to help out on my next wrong of bets! We’ll be in touch.
I predicted 31-12 Ohio State, based on the fact that the Wisconsin Band would not be there to whip the Badger drunks into a frenzy.
I was half right.
I think we’re still playing too tight. Did the OSU Defense blitz even once today? I can’t remember.
And I thought we were too predictable on offense, once again.
One other thing: I hope Boom Herron and Dane Sanzenbacher(who both were have a good game to that point) are better and ready to play next week after getting their bells rung. I think both were knocked unconscious.
tOSU is now ranked #20 nationally…
…objectively-speaking, that is.
For proof, see http://ripbcs.com
Good luck next week!
wow, i think that’s even a sillier poll than what we have now…