Michigan Week in FULL EFFECT

OSU FootballYes, I know we’re two days into Michigan week, but for reasons that will become clear later, I’m a little behind. Nevertheless, we’ve got a week’s worth of stuff for Michigan Week for our fellow Buckeye fans. We’ve left the painful (literally) memory of the Illinois in the past. We’ve all moved on and it’s time to look forward to bigger and better things, i.e. beating Michigan.

So here are some of the things we have lined up:

  • Ahhh, the memories. Each day this week we’ll look back at some images of past Ohio State/Michigan games. Unlike the poor fellows at the MZone, we don’t have to get into the way-back-machine and turn back the clock thirty years. We’ll just check in with last year’s game.
  • As much as it pains us, we’ll still do a performance review of the Illinois game. It will be quick and painless.
  • Tressnac may stop by for a visit.
  • We already looked and why UM will beat OSU (with a straight face, even!) Next we’ll be looking at why OSU will beat UM (duh).
  • We may even fit a blogpoll ballot in there somewhere.

Don’t go anywhere!


  1. Tressnac should have a weekly column. He’s good.

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