I originally posted this at my video game site, but I figured some of you college football fans would also be fans of the video game version of our favorite sport and would be interested in some news about Electronic Arts’ newest version of NCAA 200X coming out in July.
(Thanks to Glen at tBftSG pointing me to the HD videos of NCAA 2008.)
I watched the tutorial video in particular and learned that EA has FINALLY put in a “sim to complete” feature into the game. I cannot stress how important this is.
It’s called the “Skip Ahead” feature and it may supplant sliced bread as the greatest thing ever. Using it, you can skip to the either the next possesion, the next quarter or the end of the game. EA calls it the Super Sim feature. Sounds awesome. I call it the “What took you so fricken long feature?” We have been clamoring for this feature for years and they’re finally getting around to putting it into the game. It’s about time.
But it gets even better. You can watch the simulation “real time” and jump in and take over the play calling at any point. You can even resume playing (from what I can tell) at any time during the simulation. This is most excellent.
It simply cements further my belief that EA has a laundry list of “features” that they could put into the game, and they spin the wheel and add a few new features each year, stringing us along every year while we lap up the newest greatest thing. It’s frustrating to be sure, but what can you do?
I skipped out on NCAA 2007 but I’m not skipping out on 2008.
I’m still part of the PS2 crowd and find it impossible to ever skip out on buying NCAA football.
It is the only game I play. I try not, but I find myself skipping season games sometimes so those new features are tempting. It’s tough because you always want to recruit.
Anyways, I just started a Buckeyes Blog site
Hoping you list it on your links – I just threw yours on mine
Yes, I am among that crowd who buys CFB for a month till Madden comes out. I just wish the gap were longer b/c I get so hooked on CFB.
@Kiefaber – I play more than just NCAA, but I’m usually helpless against its alluring dynasty mode. So wonderful!
@Michael – I never seriously play Madden. I’m an NCAA guy all the way. Both games fail to deliver on their promises it seems, though, so it doesn’t matter which one you play 🙁