The Dublin, Ohio-bred Brady Quinn will be blogging his experiences as he prepares for the NFL draft. From the Xbox 360 Gamerscoreblog:
University of Notre Dame quarterback Brady Quinn is teaming up with Xbox 360 to chronicle the steps he’s taking as he prepares for the NFL draft, and begins his professional football career. Starting next Friday, Quinn will blog about team workouts, agent meetings, favorite games, music, and other insights. We’ll be producing some videos to download on Xbox Live Marketplace, and we’re setting up a Game With Fame session to give some of you a chance to play him on Xbox Live on April 27, the eve of the NFL draft.
More information here.
As a gamer, I think this is pretty cool, and should be interesting to read BQ’s experiences. As a Buckeye fan, I ask: why not Troy Smith or TGJ? Both are known video gamers and infinitely more interesting than BQ. But that’s just my opinion.
Hmm interesting, the folks at Wii60 may like this.
Dude!!!Don’t insult BTQ like that! He’s interesting too! I think whoever selected him needs a gigantic promotion. Go Irish!!!