Week #7 – Michigan State – Open Thread

After dispatching with Bowling Green, OSU turns its eyes back on to the Big Ten. Are they looking ahead to the showdown in November? What can we expect from the train-wreck that is Michigan State? WhiteDawg at Double Duece has a preview with some good links. Tony Gerdman’s preview is up at The O-Zone and Buckeye Planet has an exhaustive preview as well (complete with a cowboy who can’t stop slapping himself).

And what about previous upsets that MSU has unexpectedly thrown on OSU? I was there, in the Horseshoe, in 1998. I’ve never spoken of the horrors I saw that day, and never will. I’ll never forget the feeling, though. It was a strange feeling to be surrounded by 90k+ people and hear a pin drop. But that ain’t happening this year. This Buckeye team is better coached and just as talented as the ’98 squad. The ’98 MSU team was coached by Nick Saban, not the unpredictable John L. I am predicting a big win in East Lansing. The dogs will not be called off this weekend.

Vegas has the line at 14 points. I thought it would be more than that. Do they know something we don’t? Maybe since the Buckeyes didn’t cover the spread last week (after covering it the first five weeks) they’re a little gun shy. What say you?

What about these questions:

Last week was the first game since early 2005 that the Buckeyes didn’t beat the spread. Will OSU ‘return to form’ by beating the spread again? O/U: 14 pts

In the 2005 OSU/MSU matchup, Drew Stanton was sacked 12 times. How many sacks does the OSU defense get this week? O/U: 6

Troy Smith is set to break the Big Ten record for career QB rating. What will Troy Smith’s completion percentage be? O/U: 72%

Will Ray Small see the endzone again this week? O/U: 1

el Kaiser’s predictions:
Final Score: OSU: 42 MSU: 6 (I see a butt-whipping happening tomorrow)
Spread: Waaaay over, 36
No. of Sacks: over, 9 (Pittcock makes up for Patterson missing a game a dedicates to sacks to him)
Troy’s completion %: under, 67%
Ray Small will see the end zone again. Twice (over)

sportsMonkey’s predictions:
Final Score: OSU, 38 – 10
Spread: Over, 28 pts.
No. of Sacks: Under, 5
CMP %: Under, 69%
Ray Small TDs: Even, 1

Zeke’s predictions:
Final Score: OSU: 31 MSU: 13
Spread: Over, 18 pts.
No. of Sacks: Over, 7
Troy’s completion %: Over, 80%
Ray Small will see the end zone again. Under, 0

Sylvester Yon-Rambo predictions:
Final Score: OSU: 23 MSU: 21
Spread: Under, 2 pts.
No. of Sacks: Under, 3
Troy’s completion %: Under, 53%
Ray Small will see the end zone again. Under, 0
I dont see us playing very well tomorrow. It will be very cold and there will be a lot snow on the ground and probably during the game as well. I cant help but remember 1998 and it makes me feel sick to my stomach everytime we play MSU. I hope I am dead Wrong and EL KISER is dead Right. Go Bucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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