It has been brought to our attention that Lydell Ross, the former RB at OSU (2001-2004) who made everyone but Indiana’s defense look good, has decided to put his 2002 National Championship ring up for auction on eBay (auction link) (h/t: O-Zone Forums). We’re puzzled here at MotSaG as to why Lydell would sell off this beautiful piece of OSU Football memorabilia. We’re not even sure Lydell himself is selling the ring but it’s still odd to see it show up on eBay, of all places. With little more than simple guess work, we’ve assembled a handful of reasons why the ring is up for grabs:
- It was found in a bathroom stall at Pure Platinum, under a pile of crumpled coupons that read “Pure Plantanium.”
- Lydell wanted to help out his buddy [HWSNBN] and decided to donate to his legal defense fund.
- Ex-OSU lineman Nick Mangold had a boil on his back lanced and the ring fell out.
- It was upsetting his body’s balance, aggravating his chronic turf toe.
- Being a punching bag for the Bengals and Chargers never paid very well.
Hopefully Lydell’s situation isn’t so dire that he needs to sell his hardware, but if anyone is willing to donate $6000+ to MotSaG, we’ll gladly ensure it has a safe resting place.
One final note: How cool is it that OSU put the 2002 OSU/UM score on their national championship ring? (OSU – 14, UM – 9.) Now that’s a rivalry.
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