Now that’s high-quality H20

FootballIn 19 days, the Ohio State Buckeyes will take on LSU for at least one year’s worth of bragging rights.

In order to better understand OSU’s opponent on January 7th, you must first understand southern football. And what better way to edumacate yourself than by watching the best southern football documentary of all time, The Waterboy.

Only by close scrutiny of the movie will you understand the subtle nuances of the way football is played down south. For example, you will learn that when a southern team is insecure about its own abilities, it overwhelms its opponents with cockiness and overconfidence to compensate, even to the point of self-detriment.

Such is why, from this point forward, we at MotSaG will not be referring to the title game under its preferred moniker: The BCS All-State National Championship Game.

Instead, we will be referring to it henceforth as The Bourbon Bowl. Also, from now on, Les Miles will become Red Beaulieu.

Bobby Boucher is adaptable to any number of Buckeye backfielders — from the obvious Little Animal, to our favorite defensive end Gholston, or any other player that will gaze through his face mask at the cocky, taunting Southern Louisiana foolsball players on Jan 7th.

As for Dan Fouts’ character? No worries, I’m sure that Fox Sports’ Thom Brenneman can speak touchdowns with his mouth arm, too.

This also has the side benefit of appeasing both camps of BCS folks: those who love it and see the “life-imitating-art” parallels of having the title game in southern Louisiana; or those who hate the current system, wish for a playoff, and want to boycott the BCS reference.

Whatever side you fall on, we encourage you all to follow our lead (especially you OSU bloggers) in boning up on your southern football knowledge by watching The Waterboy. And feel free to join us in referring to the Bourbon Bowl from now on.

We’ve got plenty of content planned for the next couple of weeks. Naturally, we’ll give most of our attention to the big game. Lots of other things happening in CFB and the Big 10 for us to comment on, too. Watch for a post that addresses how unusual 2007 was for teams that hail from the State of Ohio. And you never know when Tressnac might stop by for a visit. Stay tuned.

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