The Bionic Coach

Joe Paterno: Coach.


A man barely alive.


We can rebuild him.


We have the technology.


We can make him better than he was.


Better… stronger… faster.



  1. Baby Jesus says

    I think Craig James hit it right on the head and I never repeat anything that hick has to say, but “That old fart needs his geritol”…


  1. […] sportsMonkey’s predictions: Big Te(leve)n bowl record: 4-3 Will JoePa survive?: Perhaps. With help. Hill or McFadden: McFadden has the better game, but I think Wisco wins a close one. Rose: I think USC will win. And this isn’t OSU homerism. I actually hope UM wins… it’d be great if the Big Ten finished 1-2-3 in the final standings. But in a Carr vs. Carroll matchup, I gotta go with Carroll. Plus, USC has been reduced to a sideshow in the game, as everyone in the media has been focusing on the circus of controversy and emotions surrounding Michigan. This could motivate them significantly. This year’s Rose Bowl could be one of the best in history. […]

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